
XR Virtual Production Studio Chance and Challenge

Since 2022,XR virtual productionhas become the highlight of TV studios atdomestic and abroad, and its commercial value has also been discovered by the public. Recently,manyLEDdisplaymanufacturers have announced the good news of XR virtual studio orders.

On March 17, Unilumin Technology announced on its officialblog that it has built The TDC Studio, the largest XR virtual production stage in Australia and even the southern hemisphere for Fox.

Regarding the XR virtual shooting related market, relevant data shows that the global XR film and television shooting related market size in 2021 will be 3.2 billion US dollars, andChina is in the exploration period of this market.

Behind such a huge market, the main shooting method currently used is traditional green screen, and the color spill problem that occurs when shooting high-light reflective objects on traditional green screen requires adding reflection and color correction in post-production. The XR studio can display the highlights and reflections brought by the scene in real time, perfectly simulating the real scene.

The XR virtual studio is mainly composed ofceilingLED screen,LEDdisplay screenandfloor LED display, plus the addition of camera tracking, media server, and rendering software, the final picture can be generated. Through the virtual studio, the virtual scene can be quickly switched, and the scene content can be modified and adjusted in real time, which greatly improves the efficiency of scene changing and scene changing, reduces the shooting cost and improves the shooting efficiency.

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At present, XR virtual shooting can be specifically applied to live broadcasts, new product launches, content scene live broadcasts, reality show live broadcasts, car commentary and other scenarios.

And this market is being valued by domestic LED display manufacturers. Not only the LED display industry, but the new demands and expectations brought about by XR virtual shooting have drawn close attention from various industries.

As an emerging film and television shooting technology and cultural and entertainment business application promotion method, it may be easier to attract a lot of social funds and resources to intervene or even follow the trend in the face of the huge stock replacement and incremental market.

Although in the current immersive experience market, there are still some in the form of projection and laser to create a sense of immersion. The LED display has higher brightness, does not limit the brightness of the scene, and can avoid the shadow of characters, but is immersive. The best choice for the experience.

XR virtual production

However, the main challenges of LED display in the current market still come frompixel pitch and cost. Because the viewing distance of the display screen is closer than that of the traditional large screen, it brings new requirements for the resolution. According to expert research, many manufacturers said that to achieve a viewing distance of nearly one meter, the screen spacing is preferably around P0.4~P0.6. Under the current technology, the cost is relatively high.

XR virtual shooting is a new scenario for large-screen display applications, which will undoubtedly bring new increments to the small-pitch market. In recent years, the LED industry has also been upgrading the technology for Micro LED. According to IDC’s forecast, China’s commercial large-screen display market shipments will reach 9.53 million units in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 11.4%, of which digitization, scene-based, live broadcast, interaction and other content will further promote the development of the large-screen display market.

Obviously, under the layout of many manufacturers and capital, XR virtual shooting production and application has been regarded as the track of Metaverse infrastructure, and the future growth space and investment opportunities are beyond imagination, let us wait and see.

Post time: Apr-18-2022

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